The Government Hearing on Aliens

Whoa! Wait, what?!

The hearings before the House Oversight subcommittee this past week has officially blown open the doors on the theme of aliens and UFO’s that many have hinted at with Pluto’s recent ingress into Aquarius earlier this year.

The thing is, Pluto isn’t currently IN Aquarius right now. Yep. Pluto retrograded back into the sign of Capricorn back in June. So, this manifestation may seem little a bit odd, but under closer inspection it makes sense.

Over the past decade or so, Pluto’s transit through Capricorn has revealed multiple instances of organizational or authoritarian dysfunction. These current claims from former military officials offer more evidence of this, but given the recent ingress into Aquarius, they are blended with Aquarian themes to produce a manifestation that is a combination of both: a potential governmental cover up of alien encounters.

This point is important to keep in mind because the chart below for the start time of these hearings highlights the cover up as much as the content (aliens) of that cover up. To that end, the chart is scarily accurate. There are six major astrological areas of interest that correspond to the whistleblower claims that manifested in the hearing.

Astrological Areas of Correlation

1) 12th House Stellium

The conglomeration of bodies in this house isn’t surprising given the nature of this hearing. The 12th house deals with things that are hidden or out of view. With chart ruler Mercury placed here, it indicates that what this house represents will be a heavy focus for the chart. Mercury’s conjunction to Venus adds more detail to the chart’s focus due to Venus’ rulership of the 2nd and 9th houses. Using derived house methodology, these houses represent the 3rd and 10th house placements if we treat the 12th house (Mercury – Venus placements) as the 1st house. These derived houses symbolize Venus’ connection to communication (derived 3rd) of governmental/organizational (derived 10th) information (Mercury) that has been hidden (12th). Venus’ retrograde status infers that everything connected to these houses is under review (the hearings). Mars’ placement in the 12th strengthens these themes as it is the direct ruler of the 3rd house while also offering more detail as it is seen as a natural significator for soldiers.

2) Aspects from the 12th

With the house relationships delineated, we then turn our attention to the aspects. Both Venus and Mercury are in square aspect to Uranus and Venus is actually dispositing Uranus as well. This means that whatever Uranus represents is the source of the friction motivating the whistle blowing from Mercury – Venus. Astrologer Rob Hand has some interesting thoughts on these potentials:

“Whatever it may affect or symbolize takes the form of something unusual, far different from the everyday world…Uranus can bring encounters with totally alien worlds.”[i]

This quote is a fairly surreal depiction of what Uranus symbolizes here – aliens and UFO’s. Additionally, its 9th house placement echoes the derived 10th delineation we noted with Venus’ rulership.

Mercury is also conjunct the midpoint of Ascendant/Sun. With the Sun ruling the 12th, this offers more echoes of the whistleblower theme seen in other dynamics. Mars in Virgo opposite retrograde Saturn in Pisces is the final aspect and involves these soldiers (Mars) confronting (retrograde) the lies (Pisces) of the military and government (Saturn).

3) 12th House Ruler

If any additional evidence is needed as to the priority of the 12th house, this is provided by the heavily dignified Sun ruling the 12th, placed in the 11th house, opposite Pluto (modern ruler of 3rd), and conjunct the midpoint of Ascendant/Midheaven. This highlights the fact that this committee/group (11th) would be the venue where light would be shined (Sun) into abuses of authority (Pluto in Capricorn) to hide things (12th). The Sun’s heavy dignity and midpoint conjunction also symbolizes the high visibility this would receive from the rest of the world.

4) 11th House Ruler

Given the reference of the 11th house in the last area, the next step involves a review the 11th house ruler, the Moon in Scorpio. It is placed on the cusp of the 3rd house of communication, opposite Jupiter, and the midpoint of Uranus/North Node. Jupiter’s rulership of the 7th house of others offers more general evidence of taboo (Scorpio) communication being released that is revealing of others. While this contact may be more high level, the Moon’s opposition to the midpoint is very specific. With the midpoint, it specifies that the communication involves aliens and UFO’s (Uranus) being communicated to the general public in a manner that may progress us forward (North Node). Finally, as a transit, the Moon is a “trigger” for the event so the timing of its arrival at this position is highly synchronistic.

5) Neptune

The reference to the 7th ruler segues nicely to this next area of focus, the 7th house order. With Neptune here and conjunct the midpoint of Uranus/Pluto, we have a strong piece of evidence correlating the disinformation and misdirection (Neptune) that those in power and with authority (Pluto in Cap again) have been involved with in regards to aliens (Uranus again).

6) No Air Element

This final area or characteristic can represent either information that is blocked or suppressed from communication. There is also the possibility that this lack of air corresponds to the fact that there was no first-hand corroboration of any of the whistleblower’s claims.

It is important to note that none of these astrological dynamics offers conclusive “proof” for the existence of aliens. In fact, it may be debated as to whether it confirms the claims of the whistleblowers as well. But there is no mistaking the accuracy of its correlation to the event of the hearing itself. And given the themes that Aquarius has triggered with Pluto’s ingress, we may expect more charts like this to probe this area in the years to come.

Fascinating stuff!

End Notes

[i] Rob Hand, Horoscope Symbols, Whitford Press, 1981, p.72.

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